Featured Sectors

Spotlights the diverse areas where our charity platform makes a meaningful impact. From education and healthcare to environmental conservation, we strategically allocate resources to maximize positive change. Explore these highlighted sectors to witness firsthand how our collaborative efforts are transforming communities and fostering sustainable development. Join us in championing these causes and creating a brighter future for all.

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Featured Stories

Showcases real-life accounts of the positive impact our charity has made in communities worldwide. From providing essential resources to empowering individuals to thrive, each story exemplifies the tangible difference we're making together. Explore these inspiring narratives and see how your contributions are changing lives for the better.

Featured HealthThalessemia Center
HealthThalessemia Center

The Wajeeha Thalassemia Center in Swat, established in 2011 in collaboration with the Pakistan Army and

Featured EducationFree ClinicHealth
EducationFree ClinicHealth

The journey of Al-Furqan Welfare Public School and Fatima Shafi Hospital in Charbagh, Swat began in 1993,

Featured Book LibraryEducation
Book LibraryEducation

Alif Laila Book Bus Society was established in 1978, and aims to address Pakistan’s educational challenges

Featured Health

The Jinnah Burn & Reconstructive Surgery Centre (JBRSC), located at Jinnah Hospital in Lahore, is

Featured Health

EZ Shifa is revolutionizing healthcare in Pakistan by providing accessible and affordable telemedicine

Featured Free ClinicHealth
Free ClinicHealth

The Pakistan Kidney Patients Association (PKPA) is a registered welfare charity organization dedicated to


Amir Saeed Bhatti

Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) opened my heart to his love by enabling me to love his creation and then blessed me even more by equipping me with tools to serve those who are around me. This is what I consider the purpose of my life and this is the very core of my identity. This empathy and self-realization were the very things that enabled me to become one of the core founders and members of Taryaq Welfare Organization founded in 1992.

This beautiful journey of service and gratitude has brought us to yet another milestone which we have titled as "KHUDII”. This project thus is not a novelty but is an offshoot of that very empathy and passion to serve mankind which my Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) has blessed me with. The vision is the same, yet the only difference lies in the way the project has been structured.

A new responsibility awaits me. A new vision has taken hold of me. And I ardently believe that this journey is going to be so beautiful and gratifying that the journey itself will end up being the destination.


Trusted by thousands of people all over the world

“Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.”
(Surah Al-Hujraat :13)














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